Fabric London
Deaf Rave amazed the world again with our Deaf Rave Festival 2021.
For the first time ever, Deaf Rave offered our worldwide audience a live streaming festival.
With special thanks to the iconic venue Fabric London and the Arts Council England, Deaf Rave smashed barriers by producing a Festival Extravaganza!!
Our favourite UK Deaf comedian John Smith hosted the Festival live from Fabric London. He introduced the world to live performances from some of our popular UK Deaf
Artists/Performers. DJ Chinaman, MC Geezer, Smiley, Deaf Mimo and many more performers, rocked the stage at Fabric.
Our International Artists joined the festival along with some of our UK talents, with video performances all streamed live on the day.
30 lucky Deaf Rave fans were invited to join the fun with us at Fabric. Together we had the best experience of our lives!
We enjoyed a day of Sign Song, Deaf DJ's, VJ's, Magic, Dance, Mime, Comedy, VV and Music. We partied and danced all day!
Deaf Rave feel very blessed with the continued support from our fans and followers.
We do this all for you!!